The most effective professionnal fulfillment tool
StepChange is an innovative program for companies who believe that employees need to find a sense in their work, to identify their professional DNA in order to engage, to perform and be aligned with the business goals of the Company.

Employee's retention and engagement
The way companies manage their employees has changed considerably since the recent health crisis. In this new framework, it is all the more important to get a clear idea of what employees’ inhibitors are !
The program will help you to reveal the potential of your employees through a deep and swift introspection.
Through open questions, you will be able to assess employee’s level of satisfaction, to identify drivers that give them energy and could limit them in their development.
Our methodology will in the end, help you to identify the main issues to tackle and to focus on employee engagement, retention
Tackle and reduce Absenteism
As an employer, absenteeism has important organisational (delayed projects, extra workload for other staff members, …) and financial consequences. The reasons may be various. This is why it is important to have a clear understanding of the causes (health, motivation, working environment, etc.) in order to steer the employee and to be able to act in a targeted way.
StepChange can help you not only to tackle absenteeism at work, but also to reintegrate the person in the company in the efficient way when they return back to work.
Recruitment and Internal Mobility
Recruitment is strategic to Organiszations but « hiring has evolved ». Of course you need to assess the candidates profile, experience, competencies, but nowadays you also need to understand what makes sense for them in the job.
StepChange will help you clarify the PROFESSIONIAL DNA of you candidates and employees : what drives them, gives them energy, what are their values, priorities and talents. The employee can also analyze multiple internal functions using the tool to pinpoint the role that best suits them. Only then you can place the right employee, with the right Professional DNA, to the right place !
A playful and fluid experience
The program is designed to support the employee’s reflection in a simple and organised way. The short and playful open questions help the person to progress step by step, on an orderly manner, at their own pace and prepare them for LIVE coaching.

An energised Human Dimension
We keep a human dimension. LIVE online coaching sessions (individual or group) are held after the assessment with the StepChange Model tool to go deeper into the introspection of the employee.
They have worked with StepChange